Production - Meta Tags

Meta Tags are included in the header section of each web page and are used to provide search engines with essential information. Use meta tags for website projects. This step will prepare your website for publishing to the Internet, providing the search engines with the information they require in order to list and rank your website.

  1. The Title Meta Tag defines the title of the web site. This name will also be used in "Bookmarks" and "Favorites" lists plus the parent page link of any "fullscreen" projects.

  2. The Keywords Meta Tag improves the chances of your website being listed, as the result of a search, when any of the keywords you choose for your tag are entered into a search engine. You can list as many words you would like search engines to associate with your website, remembering to separate each word using commas.

  3. The Description Meta Tag allows you to have some control over the way your website is described, as opposed to the summaries search engines produce automatically.

  4. Click the "save" icon to save your meta tags.